This is the last of the reading sections where we will be covering just a few final items.
This is the last of the reading sections where we will be covering just a few final items.
You can download important documents you will need for MSF from on the Members Only page (the login is “123”). The website is also a great resource for Chapter info, info on members in your chapter beyond what is included in the Chapter’s newsletter, a link to pay and set up reoccurring payments online, and much more.
Do not wait until your meeting to give your chapter member the referral, please give them the referral as quickly as possible once you realize you have a referral for them. Typically, you would want to call and email them the referral along with all of the referrals contact information. It is important to properly track all of these items: referrals, interviews, closed business, social media posts & visitors. Fill out a separate slip for each referral, each thank you for closed business, each outside interview, all your social media posts go on the same slip, but that is the only category that will have more than one on the slip. Detailed instructions are next on how to fill out the slips.
Complete one tracking slip for each item, each referral, each thank you for closed business, apart from SMP (social media posts) that is just one total number for all the posts you made.
The winner of the door prize is who the referral slip is from, item #2, unless it is a TY$, if the slip is a Thank you $ then the door prize goes to whoever is being thanked for closed business, so whoever’s name is on item #7.
It is important to grow your Chapter by bringing a visitor, in a category not filled in your chapter, to a minimum of your first three meetings and continue bringing them. This helps you by bringing more members to your sales force, this helps others in your Chapter by doing the same, and it helps the visiting professional by expanding their networking opportunities, everyone wins!
Your training manual contains two scripts to help invite visitors (one for visitors you know and one for visitors you don’t know) and directions on how to use them. It is a great idea to buy them to breakfast so that you can chat and let them know that you belong to a group of professionals that are looking for their profession to pass business to. If they like statistics, you might spark interest by grabbing some numbers from your newsletter to let them know how much business has been passed between members.